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The Rising vs Forces of Poland [3-0]

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  • Metsamees0 and Suleman like this

(19:38:48) <@Monkey> stick it in me bb

(06:17:12) <%Oh_Its_Lips> KF is tr's newest role model omg

(06:17:13) <%Oh_Its_Lips> jizz


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    Made In England

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nice vid

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Oh Its Lips

Oh Its Lips

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i like @Steelo 's better


jk <3 nice vid

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Nice video Mike! :)




Destiny Nx

Destiny Nx

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nice vid  :)

🎩Desmonius Troyerus

Desmonius Troyerus


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Good stuff.

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[12:33] (Vijay) Im off to have some grotesquely over-priced coffee

[15:42] (Steamy) i'm best pmod in the world

[03:00] (Darky) Des is this good enough??? *BOOM BOOM PSCH, BOOM...BOOM BOOM PSCH, TCH plshh boooomph.....TS BOOM TSSSS, BOOOMGHHHHHHH*

[11:13] (Vijay) a analogy would be if someone lands a 5 foot fish while fishing and the fish says "no, screw you dude" and jumps into a another fishermans basket
[11:13] (Vijay) it was our catch :<

[08:16] (Sooz) I'm actually selling pics of Dan's mullet on e-bay as we speak.
[08:17] (Sikkem) I'm actually buying pics of Dan's mullet on e-bay as we speak.





Stl Arrow

Stl Arrow

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nice vid


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