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Public Discussion


General Discussion

Runescape stuff or just random chitchat.

  • 12 topics
  • 160 replies
Long time chaps - last post by 1Mr Mage1

The Crusades

Highlights of our recent warring/pking achievements.

  1. The Rising Videos
  • 373 topics
  • 6,953 replies
Sunday: P2P PKRI VS Ansatsu... - last post by Mateus147

Clan World Discussion

Anything and everything that is related to other clans or the clan world in general.

  • 3 topics
  • 26 replies
I miss TR - last post by Fanax

Goals, Achievements, Levels, & Drops

Any and all accolades achieved that people wish to post about. This includes PKs, stakes and PvM drops.

  • 59 topics
  • 925 replies
little improvements - last post by Mateus147

Off-Topic Discussion

  1. Technology
  2. Sport
  3. Humour & Forum Games
  4. Music, Art & Media
  5. Gaming
  • 105 topics
  • 1,577 replies
Would You Believe... - last post by Evil Crosby