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Welcome to TR-Clan.com

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🎩Desmonius Troyerus

Desmonius Troyerus


  • Posts: 16,646
  • Joined: 08-September 08
  • Reputation: 2180
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Welcome to The Rising's forums. If a topic isn't applicable to any of the public sub-forums, you may post it here in Public Central. The subject matter does not have to be RS related. Feel free to peruse, hang around and post here at will. All we ask is that common sense is adhered to with regards to your conduct. General tomfoolery, larking around and banter is fine, even encouraged, but toxic content isn't and will not be tolerated.


If you are active on OSRS and are looking to follow up any interest you might have in joining TR in the future, feel free to drop by on http://tr-clan.com/f...hp?showforum=26. Be sure to read the pinned topics there, lest you fail to make a good impression and/or fail to learn whether or not TR would actually be the right clan for you.


If you are an official of another clan looking to make contact, you should be able to find a TR official with relative ease to be able to discuss things with at #The_Rising on Swiftkit IRC or The Rising cc in-game.


Thanks for reading and happy posting. ##

Ex-Gladz Leader
Ex-TMRD Council
>>Founder/Creator of TR, July 30th, 2007<<

Led Gladz to #1 overall, led TR to #1 GMT. /legacy ##

Official wars / RAW wars participated in on RS2 (2004-2012):
Gladz vs ZF II, Gladz vs TD, Gladz vs Anarchy, Gladz vs BK, Gladz vs DS, Gladz vs VR, Gladz vs DF, TMRD vs DF, TMRD vs BK, TR vs RDC, TR vs BK.


[12:33] (Vijay) Im off to have some grotesquely over-priced coffee

[15:42] (Steamy) i'm best pmod in the world

[03:00] (Darky) Des is this good enough??? *BOOM BOOM PSCH, BOOM...BOOM BOOM PSCH, TCH plshh boooomph.....TS BOOM TSSSS, BOOOMGHHHHHHH*

[11:13] (Vijay) a analogy would be if someone lands a 5 foot fish while fishing and the fish says "no, screw you dude" and jumps into a another fishermans basket
[11:13] (Vijay) it was our catch :<

[08:16] (Sooz) I'm actually selling pics of Dan's mullet on e-bay as we speak.
[08:17] (Sikkem) I'm actually buying pics of Dan's mullet on e-bay as we speak.





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