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New Blood vs Vanguard [PvP]

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🎩Desmonius Troyerus

Desmonius Troyerus


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After a handful of CWA meetings and FFA portals over the last few months, NB and Vanguard decided to try taking it to the wilderness. It was the first ever prepped PvP fight for both clans, so it was a case of experimenting and seeing how it goes above all else. From the looks of the video, it's clear that both clans have much to work on, but it was a good dose of competitive action nonetheless. It was seemingly slower returning that let Vanguard down above all else. Nevertheless, it was a great milestone for them as a clan that's leaving behind the RSB pond, as well as a very encouraging event for any RSB clans that might be looking to follow Vanguard's path of progression in the future. Likewse, it's hard not to be proud of NB given that its memberbase derives from a very simiar "pool" of players. i.e. People who are mostly new to clanning or warring. In that sense, both NB and VnG proved a lot of people wrong today. Fact is, anyone can learn to war, and if they have fun, they will be more than willing to return, just like the veterans of 5-10+ years.


Well done to NB and thank you to Vanguard.


NB starting: 26 people / 78 options  (+ a couple of lates)

VnG starting: 27 people / 81 options 


NB immediate ending: 23 people / 69 options

VnG immediate ending: 14 people / 42 options (eventually left the wilderness with 32 people)











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[12:33] (Vijay) Im off to have some grotesquely over-priced coffee

[15:42] (Steamy) i'm best pmod in the world

[03:00] (Darky) Des is this good enough??? *BOOM BOOM PSCH, BOOM...BOOM BOOM PSCH, TCH plshh boooomph.....TS BOOM TSSSS, BOOOMGHHHHHHH*

[11:13] (Vijay) a analogy would be if someone lands a 5 foot fish while fishing and the fish says "no, screw you dude" and jumps into a another fishermans basket
[11:13] (Vijay) it was our catch :<

[08:16] (Sooz) I'm actually selling pics of Dan's mullet on e-bay as we speak.
[08:17] (Sikkem) I'm actually buying pics of Dan's mullet on e-bay as we speak.







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Nb venänb, panic pls :D

Was fun, hope we get more fights like that one was ;)



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Good stuff boys!





🎩Desmonius Troyerus

Desmonius Troyerus


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Vanguard apparently posted a "win" on RSC despite the clear endings. :kappa:

  • Mikeyy likes this

Ex-Gladz Leader
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>>Founder/Creator of TR, July 30th, 2007<<

Led Gladz to #1 overall, led TR to #1 GMT. /legacy ##

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[12:33] (Vijay) Im off to have some grotesquely over-priced coffee

[15:42] (Steamy) i'm best pmod in the world

[03:00] (Darky) Des is this good enough??? *BOOM BOOM PSCH, BOOM...BOOM BOOM PSCH, TCH plshh boooomph.....TS BOOM TSSSS, BOOOMGHHHHHHH*

[11:13] (Vijay) a analogy would be if someone lands a 5 foot fish while fishing and the fish says "no, screw you dude" and jumps into a another fishermans basket
[11:13] (Vijay) it was our catch :<

[08:16] (Sooz) I'm actually selling pics of Dan's mullet on e-bay as we speak.
[08:17] (Sikkem) I'm actually buying pics of Dan's mullet on e-bay as we speak.







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Vanguard apparently posted a "win" on RSC despite the clear endings. :kappa:


Poor guy needs to make a name for his clan.

  • Mikeyy likes this





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^ agreed nb ended with more than they did.

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M ag

M ag


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Was fun! (only there for like first 5 mins, lost power due to storm, just got it back) :( hopefully majority had fun so we can do this again

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Nicely done :)








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Gj :)



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gz was ez 


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seems like you had a good time, well done! 

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Nice job!

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GJ NB :)

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The God

The God

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Vanguard apparently posted a "win" on RSC despite the clear endings. :kappa:


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Good job NB :P







Vanguard apparently posted a "win" on RSC despite the clear endings. :kappa:








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Good stuff boys





Rob is a cunt 



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Was alot of fun, way to easy.


Only thing I felt we needed was more binds.

  • Mikeyy likes this

RSN: HsCrusader07 | New Blood   CMB:123

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🎩Desmonius Troyerus

Desmonius Troyerus


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Okay, I've chatted with a Vanguard official and things are much clearer now. The incident was naive, not malicious or deceptive in any way. Vanguard left the wilderness with 32 people and they believed that to be their 'ending'. They genuinely were oblivious to the etiquette and norm of taking an (immediate) ending at the end of a time cap. I believe them and I don't think the RSC incident should be held against them since from their perspective, after everyone returned, they got up to 32 people before eventually leaving the wilderness, which is more than NB left the wilderness with after walking down. Also, they are eager to get their name out there since apparently they have naysayers from within the clan world who have been taunting them with jibes that they would never war in the wilderness.


On another note, it's impressive that they had a peak of 32 people. It shows their potential and if they maintain that growth, it will obviously open a lot more doors for event possibilities. Nevertheless, they need to address the returning issue given that having only 14 out of 32 at the end of the cap strongly suggests that some people don't even have the canoe returning method. Fix that and they will be much better at maintaining their numbers.

  • Mikeyy, M ag and Alexander B like this

Ex-Gladz Leader
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>>Founder/Creator of TR, July 30th, 2007<<

Led Gladz to #1 overall, led TR to #1 GMT. /legacy ##

Official wars / RAW wars participated in on RS2 (2004-2012):
Gladz vs ZF II, Gladz vs TD, Gladz vs Anarchy, Gladz vs BK, Gladz vs DS, Gladz vs VR, Gladz vs DF, TMRD vs DF, TMRD vs BK, TR vs RDC, TR vs BK.


[12:33] (Vijay) Im off to have some grotesquely over-priced coffee

[15:42] (Steamy) i'm best pmod in the world

[03:00] (Darky) Des is this good enough??? *BOOM BOOM PSCH, BOOM...BOOM BOOM PSCH, TCH plshh boooomph.....TS BOOM TSSSS, BOOOMGHHHHHHH*

[11:13] (Vijay) a analogy would be if someone lands a 5 foot fish while fishing and the fish says "no, screw you dude" and jumps into a another fishermans basket
[11:13] (Vijay) it was our catch :<

[08:16] (Sooz) I'm actually selling pics of Dan's mullet on e-bay as we speak.
[08:17] (Sikkem) I'm actually buying pics of Dan's mullet on e-bay as we speak.







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We crushed them, 

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